From June 12th until June 16th, 2023, Laura Schmid from the CBM-research group visited the research group of Utku Yavuz at TU Twente to improve the understanding of commonly used reflex metrics.

Simulation and Experiment work hand in hand in Stuttgart and Enschede. To work intensively on their current project, Laura Schmid, PhD-student of the CBM-research group of Prof. Oliver Röhrle at University of Stuttgart and member of the SPP2311, visited Dr. Utku Yavuz at TU Twente, in Enschede, Netherlands.

Utku Yavuz is an assistant Professor in the Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS) research group at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS). His research focuses on decoding the neural control of human movement and specifically on the role of sensory-motor interaction. In this field, there is also a long-standing cooperation with the Chair for Continuum Biomechanics and Mechanobiology of Prof. Röhrle.

Spinal reflexes can be used to investigate the interconnections and behavior of neurons in the spinal cord in humans and in vivo. During the one-week visit, they worked on their approach to improve the understanding of commonly used reflex metrics. Therefore, they use a biophysical model of motoneurons to simulate the neuron’s responses to different reflex stimuli. The findings benefit the interpretation of experimental studies and thus contribute to the overall goal of better understanding human motion control.

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