Prof. Bernd Simeon from TU Kaiserslautern recently published his book “Die Macht der Computermodelle. Quellen der Erkenntnis oder digitale Orakel?” within the Springer Nature.

Computer models are constantly conquering new fields of application. They owe their power to the immense capacities of modern computer systems, and it is additionally fueled by machine learning from huge mountains of data. Digital patients, climate change scenarios, missions to distant planets, juggling the financial markets, developing nuclear weapons systems – through a variety of episodes and the author’s personal experiences, this book offers you insight into a fascinating world that has become an essential source of knowledge. Like a modern oracle, computer modals satisfy our longing for predictable future. But there are pitfalls lurking that can cause their predictions to be seriously off the mark. Blind faith on the part of the layman and rigid faith in the model on the part of the expert then result in wrong decisions, the failure of technical systems or economic disaster. Is it possible to avoid these pitfalls?

Prof. Simeon describes in his book the SPP2311-project as well as his project within the SPP “Coupled analysis of active biological processes for meniscus tissue regeneration”.

To read this book, you need curiosity as well as openness to the surprising, but no expert knowledge. A wealth of illustrations illustrates the essential connections, supplemented by exciting anecdotes from science and technology. Do you want to learn more? Then come along on this foray through the cosmos of computer models.

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